
What Is A Carbuncle And How To Treat It?

If you have ever suffered from a cluster of boils that appear altogether, then you know how painful and horrifying the experience must have been. Carbuncles are not only unattractive but can also pose several health problems if left untreated. What Is The Meaning Of Carbuncle? Carbuncle is a swollen,...


Why Is It Important To Apply Sunscreen Regularly?

Do you use sunscreen only during the hot summer months? If that is indeed the case, then it is time to rethink your skincare regimen. Sunscreen is not a product for seasonal use to beat the summer heat. The powerful ultraviolet rays can harm anyone’s skin, regardless of their gender,...

acne holes

What Are Pockmarks On Face – Meaning, Causes And Best Treatments

Pockmarks are a kind of deep scars on our face that can cause permanent damage to our skin. These evident scars can be caused by acne or an infection like smallpox or chickenpox. Without getting timely and effective treatment for pockmarks, one can suffer from this lifelong skin problem. Thankfully,...

doxycycline acne

Benefits, Dosage And Side Effects Of Doxycycline For Acne

Treatments for acne have been wide and varied as medical science has progressed. Antibiotics are commonly prescribed to treat acne vulgaris internally, directly targeting the affected areas and reducing their severity and chances of future breakouts. There are several suitable choices for different cases, but doxycycline acne drug, stands out...


Pimple Treatment In Vizag – Acne Scar Removal In Vizag

Nobody likes to deal with pimples and acne scars, but unfortunately these pesky problems are a part of our daily lives. Making our skin look dull and blemished, pimples and scars are something that everybody wishes to get rid of quickly as possible! Pimples & Scar Solutions Pimples are red...

acne mechanica

How To Treat Acne Mechanica?

Pimples due to heat are very common in subtropical climates especially in certain parts of India. Heat pimples or  Acne mechanicacan trigger with the hot and humid climates and also spread over the exposed areas of skin. Acne mechanica is another kind of acne which occurs as a result of...

scalp acne

Scalp Acne: Causes, Types, Symptoms and Treatment

Dealing with acne on your face is a big nightmare, but what do you do when it attacks your scalp? Scalp acne is real, and it can affect anyone. There are many causes and solutions for this annoying affliction. Read on to understand more about acne on scalp. What Is...

blemishes on face

How To Remove Blemishes On Face?

Any form of imperfection on the skin is undesirable. Especially when it comes to unsightly blemishes, they can be emotionally upsetting. Blemish is a loose term used for any skin mark. It can be a blackhead, whitehead, a pustule, age-spot or post-acne mark. Most of the blemishes are non-threatening yet...

keratosis pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris: Causes, Types, Treatments and Tips

Keratosis pilaris is commonly known as ‘chicken skin’ and affects people belonging to all age groups. The term ‘chicken skin’ is used to describe this skin condition because it makes the skin look like that of a featherless chicken. This article will talk about various aspects related to keratosis pilaris and...