chickenpox scar

Chickenpox Scars Removal – Treatments And Home Remedies

Chickenpox is an infectious virus which affects almost everyone at least once in their lifetime.[1] Like other contagious diseases, the chickenpox virus settles down within 7-10 days. However, it may leave behind stubborn scars known as chickenpox scars. They mostly occur on face and can be so deep that it...

Black Spots On Back And Neck

How To Remove Black Spots On Back And Neck?

Keeping our skin spot free has been a consistent desire of people everywhere. One skin condition that makes achieving this difficult, is the appearance of black spots on back and neck, also around shoulders. Black spots are usually harmless; The causes may be varied ranging from simple sunspots to conditions like...

ingrown hair removal

How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair?

Ingrown hair can be painful and displeasing. They may also result in red spots on the skin that are raised and cause immense pain. If proper care is not taken they can be infected and secrete pus-like fluid. Ingrown hair is apparent and needs to be treated for cosmetic as...

burn scars

Laser Treatment & Cost For Burn Scars/Marks Removal

Burn marks are constant reminders of painful thermal injuries. Find out here about advanced medico-aesthetic treatments that can effectively reduce your burn marks. What Are Burn Marks? Burn scars are caused when our body gets in contact with a hot surface or fire. Sometimes, electricity, chemicals like acids, sun exposure, ...

mnrf treatment

MNRF Treatment – Cost, Before & After Results, Benefits

Micro-needling radiofrequency (MNRF) is a new cutting-edge skin rejuvenation technology designed to treat a multitude of skin concerns like fine lines, uneven skin texture, acne scars and skin laxity. This can improve your skin’s appearance significantly compared to other technologies while still being minimally invasive. In this article, we will...

pubic hair removal

How To Remove Pubic Hair Permanently?

Are you wondering how to remove pubic hair? Not only women, but a lot of men also groom their pubic parts for personal preference or aesthetic reasons. Since the skin around the pubic parts is sensitive, it's essential to choose a method that gives you better results with minimum risks....

skin whitening treatment in kochi

How To Lighten Your Dark Upper Lip?

A dark upper lip area is a common problem faced by many people, especially women. Fortunately, advanced treatments for dark upper lip area are readily available, which help regain lost colour and texture, giving you an even tone and complexion. Find out more about the causes and treatments for dark...

How To Remove Wound And Cut Scars?

Acne Treatment Cost In Bangalore

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions that affect both men and women during their teenage years. However, some people have to deal with this problem for an extended period, even in their 30s and 40s. Find out the causes of acne and the various treatment options available...

how to remove chest hair

What’s The Best Option To Remove Chest Hair?

Gone are the days when the hairy chest was a trait of masculinity. Modern men now prefer to have a clean chest and stomach. As a result body hair grooming is fast becoming a trend among the males. How do you remove chest hair? Well, the solution is laser hair...