Dr. Brahmaiah

Dr. Brahmaiah,

Education: MBBS, DDVL - Diploma in Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy, FAAD


  • Dr Upputuri has won many prestigious awards and accolades in his illustrious career so far, including the following:
  • Secured first position in the university during the postgraduate examinations in Dermatology.
  • Awarded ‘Strauss and Katz World Congress Fund Scholarship’ from AAD 2022, ‘GURUDERMA: An IADVL Mentorship Program’ 2022, DERMACON 2018-IADVL Scholarship, IADVL observership (Dermatosurgery), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)-STS and ICMR-Senior Research Fellowship (Medical)
  • Authored 7 chapters (IADVL-5) in books. Presented research work at numerous National and State dermatology conferences
  • Received highly competitive research grants from ICMR and RSTMH, UK, as a principal investigator


Currently working as a consultant dermatologist in the training department at Oliva Skin & Hair Clinic, Hyderabad.


Selected peer-reviewed journal publications:

Brahmaiah Upputuri, NavyaVulchi, Rajnikanth Singh, Radhika Mamidi, Naveen Satle, Michael Sukumar Pallapati, Aparna Srikantam; Prevalence and risk factors for grade 2 disability among newly diagnosed leprosy in children and adolescents: a record-based analysis from India; Leprosy Review; 2022; 93; 1; 79-88
Sudha V Damarla , Brahmaiah Upputuri. Bilateral periorbital oedema revealed Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in a young male. Trop Doct. 2021 Apr 7;49475521993244. doi: 10.1177/0049475521993244 Impact factor:0.65
Upputuri B, Srikantam A, Mamidi RS (2020) Comorbidities associated with non-healing plantar ulcers in leprosy patients. PLoSNegl Trop Dis 14(6): e0008393.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0008393.Impact factor:4.411
Upputuri B, Pallapati MS, Tarwater P, Srikantam A (2020) Thalidomide in the treatment of erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) in an outpatient setting: A five-year retrospective analysis from a leprosy referral centre in India. PLoSNegl Trop Dis 14(10): e0008678. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0008678 Impact factor:4.411
Upputuri B, Bhattacharjee R, Rathore S. A critical appraisal of IADVL SIG recommendations during COVID-19 pandemic in dermatology practice. Indian Dermatol Online J 2020;11:859-60
Brahmaiah U, Parveda AR, Hemalatha R, Laxmaiah A. Pellagra: A forgotten entity. ClinDermatol Rev 2019;3:126-9.
Parveda AR, Upputuri B, Hemalatha R. Phyrnoderma: Associated nutritional comorbidities among children attending at Nutrition Clinic, Osmania General Hospital, Hyderabad, India. Indian J PaediatrDermatol2016;17:108-11.
Ashok Kumar Reddy, Upputuri Brahmaiah, Nitesh Narayen et al. Is Blood Agar an Alternative to Sabouraud Dextrose Agar for the Isolation of Fungi in Patients with Mycotic Keratitis? International Ophthalmology.2013;33(3)251.Impact factor:2.031

Chapters in books:

Upputuri B, Jakhar D, Srikantam A. A hesitated case with severe nail changes and periungual ulceration. Case Files in Dermatology 2020.
Jakhar D, Upputuri B. Becker Nevus. Essential Dermatology -A practical case- based approach for Examinations, 2022
Shital Poojary, Ankit Gupta, Brahmaiah Upputuri. IADVL Multiple Choice Questions in Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy, 2022.
UpputuriBrahmaiah, FerozeKaliyadan. Principle of Data Collection and Data Collection Tool.Section V. Data Handling IADVL Research Compendium book. 2022
BrahmaiahUpputuri. Drug dispensing in dermatology. IADVL Handbook of Dermatologic Drug Therapy (In press)
BrahmaiahUpputuri. Drug desensitisation. IADVL Handbook of Dermatologic Drug Therapy (In press)
BrahmaiahUpputuri, SugatJawade. Management of trophic ulcers.IADVL Practical Manual of Leprosy. 2022

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